EU Shields Service Regulations

1. The issuance of these Regulations fulfills the obligation specified in Article 8(1)(1) of the Act of July 18, 2002, on the provision of electronic services (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1219), hereinafter referred to as the “Act.”

2. Approval of these Regulations signifies:

2.1. The expression of the will to conclude an agreement or agreements with the Administrator on the terms specified in these Regulations;
2.2 The consent to display advertisements for alcoholic beverages, i.e., the display of trademarks of alcoholic beverages or related graphic symbols.

I. General Provisions

3. The following terms have the following meanings:

3.1. Commercial information – commercial information within the meaning of the Act; 3.2 Service – the website available at
3.2. Regulations – this document;
3.3. Administrator – EU Shields limited liability company with its registered office in Warsaw (02-017), at Al. Jerozolimskie 123A, registered in the Entrepreneurs Register maintained by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, XII Economic Division of the National Court Register, under the KRS number 0000967754, Tax Identification Number (NIP) 7011085601, REGON 521873940, share capital PLN 5,000.00, email address:;
3.4. User – a person who has accepted these Regulations and filled out the contact form available on the Service or expressed a willingness to familiarize themselves with the content available on the Service;
3.5. Service – enabling the completion of the contact form, familiarization with the content of the Service;
3.6. Agreement – an agreement on the provision of Services.

4. The Service is operated by the Administrator and is its property.

II. Types and Scope of Services Provided Electronically

5. The services offered by the Administrator through the Service consist of:

5.1. Completing the contact form,
5.2. Access to materials available on the Service,

6. An agreement on the provision of electronic services is concluded when the User clicks the “Send Inquiry” button after prior approval of the Regulations and Privacy Policy of the Service.

7. The Administrator is obliged to provide the Services within a period of up to 5 business days.

III. Terms of Providing Electronic Services

8. To use the Service, the following is necessary:

8.1. An end device (in particular, a computer, tablet, or phone) with access to the Internet, equipped with the latest version of a web browser among: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and properly configured;
8.2. An active email account.

9. The systems and applications used by the Administrator ensure a high standard of security and personal data protection. Nevertheless, the User should be aware that using the Services involves the use of a public telecommunications network, which may pose a risk to the User’s privacy.

10. In the broadest extent permitted by law, the Administrator is not liable for disruptions, including interruptions in the operation of the Service caused by force majeure, unauthorized actions of third parties, or incompatibility of the Service with the User’s technical infrastructure.

IV. Terms of Conclusion and Termination of Agreements for the Provision of Electronic Services.

11. Terms of concluding an Agreement:

11.1. An agreement for Services may be concluded by persons who have provided at least their email address in the contact form and have accepted the Regulations,
11.2. It is forbidden to provide email addresses and phone numbers that the User is not entitled to use.

12. Terms of terminating an Agreement:

12.1. At the request of the User, at any time; 12.2 By the Administrator in the event of the User’s failure to comply with the obligations required by the Regulations.

13.The Administrator reserves the right to close the Service.

14. The Administrator may publish plugins and links to other websites and internet services. By using such a plugin or link, the User goes to a page owned by another owner. The User’s use of external services and websites is subject to the regulations of the owners of those sites/services and is beyond the control and responsibility of the Administrator towards the User.

V. User Obligations

15. The User is obliged to use the Service in accordance with the law and good manners, taking into account personal rights and intellectual property rights of third parties. Any actions by the User that could interfere with the proper functioning of the Service or could expose the Administrator to any harm to its reputation or any other harm are not allowed.

16. The User is obliged to refrain from providing any content of an unlawful nature.

17. The User is obliged to provide data consistent with the actual state of affairs.

18. The Administrator is not liable for any actions or omissions of the User that result in any liability of the User or persons to whom the User has provided the content of the Service contrary to the provisions of paragraphs 18-18.2.

VI. Protection of Personal Data

19. The Administrator of personal data within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”) is the Administrator.

20. The Administrator processes personal data for the purpose of:

20.1. Conclusion and performance of Agreements,
20.2. Establishing and maintaining business relationships,
20.3. Handling complaints and other claims, i.e., determining, asserting, and defending against claims arising from the business activities conducted by the Administrator,
20.4. Issuing and storing invoices and other accounting documents.

21. More information regarding the principles of personal data protection (including the legal basis for processing personal data) of Users can be found in the Privacy Policy available on the Service.

VII. Copyright

22. The content of the Service, including content layouts, as well as individual parts of the Service, in particular: written materials, photos, graphics, and videos, are protected by the law on copyright and related rights of February 4, 1994 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2017, item 880, as amended). Each User is obliged to respect copyright and image rights of persons depicted in photos and videos under the civil and criminal liability resulting from the provisions of this law.

23. Materials contained on the Service may be used for one’s own permitted personal use.

24. The use of materials (i.e., texts, videos, photos, and graphics) contained on the Service for purposes other than specified in paragraph 23 requires the prior written consent of the Administrator.

VIII. Complaint Procedure

25. The Administrator undertakes to rectify any irregularities in the operation of the Service reported by the User to the email address: within a reasonable time.

IX. Amendment of the Regulations

26. The Administrator reserves the right to amend these Regulations.

27. Users will be informed of the content of the amendments to these Regulations by posting a new version of the Regulations on the Service’s website.

28. Amendments to the Regulations come into force on the date specified in the notice of the amendment but no earlier than 14 days from the date of publication of the Regulations in the new version on the Service. The amended Regulations will be binding on the User unless the User declares within 14 days of the publication of the Regulations in the new version on the Service that they

X. Final Provisions

29. Polish law shall be the governing law for all legal relations arising from these Regulations. Any disputes shall be settled by the competent local Polish common courts.

30. The User has the right to use out-of-court dispute resolution methods and pursue claims. To do so, the User can submit a complaint through the European Union’s online dispute resolution platform (ODR) available at:

31. The editorial titles of the Regulations have a purely informative character and do not affect the interpretation of the provisions of these Regulations.

32. These Regulations in their current form shall be effective from September 1, 2023.